Friday, December 16, 2011

DOODLES: The Path of a Sharpie

Last night was the special showing of Doodles, an exhibit of collaborative work between two of my very talented friends Ric Ovelar and Santi Rivillas. Doodles is the second exhibit for Taller Perro de Calle, a small gallery opened by another buddy of mine, Saul Escobar, for the monthly Venice Art Crawl in Venice Beach.

My boys made me proud and Doodles was a total hit! And thanks to Saul for hosting an awesome night full of fellow creatives, friends, wine and bonfire :)

Here are some photos from the exhibit.

What is Doodles about?

Nightstands illustrated by Ric Ovelar

Baseballs illustrated by Santi Rivillas

Ballerina. Illustration by Santi Rivillas

Santi’s itsy bitsy spider

Ric and one of his pieces

Skatedecks, illustrated by Santi Rivillas and Ric Ovelar.

Santi, Ric and I :D

Taller Perro de Calle

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